
Does sprinter effect stack
Does sprinter effect stack

does sprinter effect stack

Generally, these were the two most intense weight-training days. was primarily used in the off season and was taken two days per week, typically on Mondays and Wednesdays.

does sprinter effect stack

"Your performance enhancing drug program included the following seven prohibited substances: THG, testosterone/epitestosterone cream, EPO (Procrit), HGH (Serostim), insulin (Humalog), modafinil (Provigil) and liothyronine, which is a synthetic form of the T3 thyroid hormone (Cytomel). HGH will be tested for at this summer's Olympic Games in Beijing Its use can give athletes an extra unit of blood to boost their performance while human growth hormone (HGH) stimulates cell reproduction and growth.

#Does sprinter effect stack full#

EPO, or erythropoietin to give it its full name, is a protein hormone produced by the kidney and Procrit is a drug administered to patients who have chemotherapy-induced anaemia to boost their red blood cell count. As Conte says, his programme also used EPO (Procrit). It is the steroid that was used by Marion Jones, the American former queen of the track who is now serving a jail sentence for lying about her drugs use to federal investigators. It is an amazing combination of drugs, led by tetrahydrogestrinone (THG), now known as The Clear. In assisting Dwain Chambers by writing this letter to provide him with detailed information for UK Sport, Victor Conte, the president of the Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative (Balco), has revealed for the first time the extent of the substances the British sprinter used.

Does sprinter effect stack